If you’re a girl and you are having a lot of trouble understanding a guy or trying to get his attention maybe this might help. These are 10 things you should or shouldn’t do!
1. Don’t seem to desperate makes you look pathetic
2. Don’t wear makeup most guys like girls without it makes you look fake
3. Always remember to smell good. I mean breath and body some girls breathe stink like rotten fish that came out an ass
4. If you like the guy don’t start the conversation all the time. If you do so and you can see that he is interested in the conversation stop because if he really does like you he will find the courage to start a conversation and if he doesn’t his a pussy
5. Don’t complain, the most unattractive to a guy is when a girl complains
6. Don’t talk to much, ask him questions too
7. To much info about you’re shelf may scare the guy away (like a secret) so be careful to what you are saying
8. Let him be the one asking you out
9. Let him be the one that leans in and kiss’s you
10. Don’t flirt if his not flirting back
1. Don’t seem to desperate makes you look pathetic
2. Don’t wear makeup most guys like girls without it makes you look fake
3. Always remember to smell good. I mean breath and body some girls breathe stink like rotten fish that came out an ass
4. If you like the guy don’t start the conversation all the time. If you do so and you can see that he is interested in the conversation stop because if he really does like you he will find the courage to start a conversation and if he doesn’t his a pussy
5. Don’t complain, the most unattractive to a guy is when a girl complains
6. Don’t talk to much, ask him questions too
7. To much info about you’re shelf may scare the guy away (like a secret) so be careful to what you are saying
8. Let him be the one asking you out
9. Let him be the one that leans in and kiss’s you
10. Don’t flirt if his not flirting back
haha lol, number 3 reminds me of someone. and im pretty sure i've said number 5 a couple of times. lol i like this post